MAIL Ranked First in Information Sharing

Based on the evaluation of the Access to Information Commission from the government’s websites, the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation, and Livestock (MAIL) was ranked first among 52 governmental institutions in disseminating information to citizens.
Ainuddin Bahaduri, head of access to information commission, addressing a press conference in the Government Media and Information Center (GMIC) said that the assessments were based on the indicators set by the commission.
The Access to Information Commission said in its report about the top-ranked institutions, “In the first category 23 institutions comes which has shared the information on their websites respectively. The Ministry of Agriculture was ranked first, and the Finance and Health ministries were ranked second and third consecutively.”
Bahaduri also thanked MAIL for its digital archives, adding that it could act as role model for other institutions.
Firoz Bashiri, GMIC acting director, the government spokespersons strive to be good partners to media, and share timely information to citizens.