A Green belt to be built in Highway of Mazar-Hairatan

Thu, Jan 21 2021 11:20 AM
در شاهراه مزار-حیرتان کمربند سبز ساخته می‌شود

Dalwa 2: January 21, 2021
The Directorate of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock of Balkh Province has announced the assignment of a committee to identify an area to generate a green belt on highway of Mazar-e-Sharif-Hairatan.
The plan to build this green belt in order to expand the green space along this highway is supposed to be included in the plans for 1400 fiscal year.
Balkh directorate of agriculture, by order of governor of the province, has created a committee to identify the area for the construction of the green belt, led by the deputy governor and officials of some relevant institutions.
The members of this committee visited the areas on both sides of Mazar-e-Sharif-Hairatan highway and talked to the residents of these areas. The committee, together with a group of residents of Taza Omid village in Shortpeh district, Seeds of Tamarisk, Haloxylon ammodendron, Quercusdilatata and Quercus semicarpifolia have been planted in Hairatan for their greenery and to prevent the flow of sand, and they have also delivered fifty canaries of seeds of these plants to the Department of Public Works for sowing in vulnerable areas
The mentioned green belt is to be built within three years with the financial support of the Ministry of Agriculture MAIL.
This belt will be fifty to one hundred meters wide and 12 kilometers long. This belt is also implemented in order to prevent the development of the desert. It has been two years the mentioned project is implemented around the Hairatan highway, and in the fiscal year 1399, 350,000 root cuttings were planted on 266 hectares of land. In order to continue working in the area, four hectares of land have been created with native plants, which prevent the development of flowing sands by greening these forts.

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