About 10.4 Million Chickens are produced annually in Balkh province

Tue, Dec 08 2020 3:58 PM
About 10.4 Million Chickens are produced annually in Balkh province
Qaws 18: December 8, 2020
The Directorate of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock of Balkh province says, "About 10 million and 450 thousand chickens are produced yearly in this province.
The Directorate stressed that laying hens are one of the most important poultry industries in Balkh, and that the industry has grown significantly over the past five years as a result of the cooperation and support of the Ministry of Agriculture.
Salem Saei, director of agriculture in Balkh, says that more than $ 15 million has been invested in the poultry sector in the province so far.
According to him, there are currently more than one thousand poultry farms, large and small, in Balkh province, which import about 15 tons of chicken per day.
Balkh's Directorate of Agriculture adds "About 20 million eggs are produced annually in the province.
According to the directorate, some chicken are imported by farmers from Pakistan, Iran and Uzbekistan to produce meat.
Mr. Saei added, that poultry farms in Balkh meet the province's market need for chicken meat, and at the same time, chicken meat is exported from Balkh to neighboring provinces.
Meanwhile, poultry farmers say that because of the high cost of electricity use and the lack of access to subsidiary programs, the production of poultry farms in the cold season decreases.

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