40% Increase in Yields of Balkh Wheat Display Parts

Tue, Jun 29 2021 1:26 PM
40% Increase in Yields of Balkh Wheat Display Parts

Saratan 8: June 29, 2021
By rolling up wheat display parts in Balkh province, figures demonstrate that these display parts have yielded 35 to 40% more per hectare of land compared to other wheat fields.
Second national priority program 2(SNaPP2) of the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL), in fall of last year using 7.25 metric tons of modified seeds of "Kabul-13" type, has constructed 290 display parts of wheat in Nahrshahi, Dehdadi, Balkh, Khalam, Dawlatabad and Shulgara districts of Balkh province, each of which has yielded 35 to 40 percent more than other wheat fields.
The increase in yields of these display parts has led farmers to believe that using of improved seeds and RIPA caltivation will yield more yields than traditional cultivation.
These display parts were constructed to promote improved varieties of wheat seeds, Upgrade the capacity of farmers to prepare agricultural land, using new and modern farming methods, prevent pests and plant diseases, and develop wheat cultivation methods.

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