A Joint Meeting on wheat imports and mill operations Held

Asad 9: July 31, 2021
A joint meeting of the Ministry of Agriculture (MAIL), the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Millers' Union and the Chamber of Industries and Mines was held on wheat imports and the activity of in-house mills.
This meeting was attended by Hashmatullah Ghafouri, deputy minister for irrigation and natural resources of MAIL, Rahimullah Samandar, executive director of Afghanistan Chamber of Industries and Mines, Rashad Bakhtari, director of Light Industries, Ministry of Trade and Industry, and Mujibullah Zia, director of Primary Industries, Ahmad wali Noori, deputy of General Directorate of the Ministry of Finance, Mohammad Hashim Ghazniwal, President of Afghan Millers Association, and some directors and advisers of MAIL.
The meeting focused on wheat imports, the activities and issues of in-house mills, taxes, the purchase of wheat and flour, and the provision of electricity for the flour mill by the private sector. In addition, under the guidance of presidential place, the storage of wheat and flour in public and private silos was discussed so that the market would not face a shortage of flour and wheat in any case.
On the other hand, it was emphasized that the government, industrialists and traders are committed to supplying raw materials. especially flour and wheat, to the citizens.