Balkh Slaughter-House is exploited soon

Jadi 3: December 23, 2020
Dr. Anwarul Haq Ahadi, minister of agriculture, irrigation and livestock (MAIL), during his visit to Balkh province, met Mohammad Farhad Azimi, the governor and a number of other local officials, and supervised standard slaughter-house of Balkh.
The slaughter-house in Balkh province has been built on a standard 25 acres of land at a cost of six million dollars with the help of Asian Development Bank (ADB) and is ready for exploitation.
This slaughter-house has the capacity to slaughter and process 100 cows and 500 sheep in eight working hours.
The construction and activating of standard slaughter-houses creates job opportunities, raises private and public sector incomes, boosts the environment, and prevents the sporadic and non-standard slaughter of animals.