Balkh’s Cotton Yields Reaches 33,787 Tons

Qaws 17: December 7, 2020
Balkh Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock Directorate says “This year the cotton yields in this province has reached 33,787 tons.
Officials of directorate added "This year the area under cotton cultivation increased compared to last year.
According to the officials of this directorate further stated, "Last year 19 thousand and 500 hectares of cotton land were cultivated, but this year the cotton cultivation areas in this province reached to 22 thousand and 525 hectares.
Balkh's provincial directorate of Agriculture said that an average of 1.5 to 2 tons of cotton was harvested from each hectare of land.
The reason for the increase in cotton fields in Balkh was the expansion of the use of solar wells and the increase of farmers' interest in cotton cultivation.
There are also several cotton processing factories in Balkh. province.