Minister of Agriculture exploited 145 Raisin houses in Balkh province

Jadi 3: December 23, 2020
Dr. Anwarul Haq Ahady, minister of agriculture, irrigation and livestock, during his visit to Balkh province, alongside the inauguration of some other agricultural projects, exploited 145 raisins houses in the province.
These raisin houses have been built in Nahrshahi, Dehdadi, Shulgara, Marmal, Chahar Bolak, Chamtal, Dawlatabad, Kushanda, Balkh, Kaldar and Shortapah districts.
Each of these raisins houses has the capacity to convert 10 tons of grapes into raisins at a time.
The Total cost of constructing the mentioned 145 raisin houses is 60 million eight thousand and 250 AFN.
These raisins houses were built for gardeners. 90% of the expanse of these raisins houses is paid by the Ministry of Agriculture (MAIL) and the rest 10% is paid by Beneficiaries.
The purpose of building these raisins houses is to boost the economy of the gardeners and prevent corruption or sale of grapes at low prices.