Happy National Flag Day!

7th of Asad, which has been known as National Flag’s Day, I congratulate this day to all people of Afghanistan.
This glorious day, as a symbol of solidarity of Afghan people and authority of the country, is extremely important for the people of Afghanistan, because this colorful flag is a big umbrella for all the people of Afghanistan. Wherever our colorful flag araises, people feel peace and tranquality. The development of the country and national dignity is possible in shadow of this flag. In shadow of this flag, we are a single nation, we have a single land and our authority is represented.
All the people of Afghanistan, given the differences, become a nation under this Flag, and that is why we all struggle to keep it high.
Long live Afghanistan, long live the colorful flag of the country!
Dr. Anwarul Haq Ahady
Minister of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock(MAIL).