Distribution of fattening packages to Balkh cattle breeders

Sat, Jul 17 2021 6:14 PM
Distribution of fattening packages to Balkh cattle breeders

Saratan 26: July 17, 2021
The Ministry of Agriculture's Second National Priority Program 2 (SNaPP2) has distributed animal fattening packages to 30 farmers in Nahrshahi, Dehdadi, Shulgara, Balkh, Khulm and Dawlatabad districts of Balkh province.
These distributed packages include 18 metric tons of white straw, 10.8 metric tons of fresh flakes, 108 kilograms of salt, 10.8 metric tons of willow, 1,800 kilograms of dense animal feed and 720 kilograms of berry pulp. These packages are distributed to support animal fattening farms. In each small farm, three calves are fed for 40 days.
(SNaPP2) program support the livestock owners in Kashmiri collection, dairy development, animal nutrition, rangeland rehabilitation and capacity building areas.

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