35,000 Liters Milk are processed daily in Balkh

Sun, Nov 29 2020 2:00 PM
35,000 Liters Milk are processed daily in Balkh
Qaws 9: November 29, 2020
Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock Department of Balkh says that " 35,000 Liters Milk are processed and produced daily in the processing centers of the province.
Mohammad Salem Saei, Director of Agriculture in Balkh province, says " more than 35,000 Liters of milk are produced daily on farms and processing centers, from which Yogurt, Buttermilk, Leeks, Musk and Cheese are made.
According to him, these products are sold in dairy shops and malls.
Mr. Saie added that “There are 25 Milk production farms in Balkh province with 10 to 200 improved Cows working to produce milk, Also, the improved breed of dairy Cows has been promoted among the Peasant families and the produced milk is mostly transferred to the processing centers. but, the amount of Milk production depends more on the number of dairy farms".
The Director of Agriculture in Balkh also added, Animal fattening farms have reached more than 20 farms, which are transported to Kabul and neighboring provinces after being fattened for sale.
Animal health services have improved in the district, breeding and Artificial insemination in Cows have increased, and the improved breeding of Holstein Dairy cows has increased, which is being transferred from Balkh province to other Northern provinces for training and sale.
Meanwhile, a number of farmers in Balkh province are calling on the government to provide technical support to existing farms and to increase Milk production and processing farms by motivating the private sector by offering subsidiary programs.
Restoration of pastures, provision of fodder and winter rations for cattle breeders, breeding of dairy animals are other demands of cattle breeders in Balkh province.
However, Mohammad Salem Saei, says "that in the production of Milk and Dairy farms there is good development and progress, the amount of Milk production and the activity of factories in the field of milk processing has been increased.
According to him, Dairy imports are currently declining in the market, but Pasture lands are smaller than in the past.
Mr. Saei emphasized that farmers are facing problems due to the lack of pastures.
Balkh province has a long history of livestock. Before the civil war in the country, Balkh was one of the major sheep breeding grounds in Turkey and Qaraqul.


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